Ahhh, Project Life...
I've had this post drafted for a while but I never had a chance to post it...
So where am I with this endeavor???
Sadly, I've fallen quite a bit behind... I was ok with it for a while, but now I'm REALLY behind and don't know if I can catch up again. Too many end-of-the-school year things to do... The weather is nicer so the kids want to be outside instead of in my stuffy craft room with me. I've been tired. Busy. And at the end of the day when I finally get a bit of ME time, I spend it sleeping or catching up on my DVR'd shows - American Idol, Dancing With the Stars, Glee, The Voice, Gossip Girl, 90210, anyone?
I AM, however, determined to make one final attempt to catch up. I'm up to Week 11, I believe. There aren't many more weeks to catch up to, right???
Anyway, here's my quickie share for week 6...
Nothing too exciting. I finally used the Design G page to mix it up, but instead of using it as an insert for the week, I used it for the actual right side of my page. I like how it incorporates vertical pictures... I hate how it cuts it short on the side so the page doesn't line up with the rest of the pages.
My OCD-Virgo-ness coming out, I guess! *lol*
Hope you all are enjoying the warmer weather (hope it's warm where you are!)... Yesterday it hit 90degrees F where I am. Thankfully there was a cool breeze.
I have a feeling it's going to be one hot summer!
Thanks for stopping by! Happy Saturday!
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