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Serriously this is too stinking cute for words!!! Wonderful job on the sketch challenge.

It's a good life!
Terri E.

Simply cute! Aww, how long will you guys ve at DL? Lucky!

Awww, what a cute card! I so love the sentiment! Totally goes with it! LOL!

Hope you're having a great day!

LOL... I LOVE this!! How funny... this would sure pep ME up if I were feelin' fowl! LOL. Too CUTE! Love your coloring too. Thanks so much for playing along with us from week to week--we sure love havin' ya! We'd love to have you apply, but understand how busy things get. Maybe one of these days if we were to get enough DT, we could split them into 2 teams and they'd only have to play every other week?! Who knows. But we hope you'll continue to play when ya can! :) Have a great week... or is it week-end? lol

This is just too cute! :) Can't wait to see what you create with your new DT kit!

this is just the best and would bring a smile to anyone with a broken wing or not! Your inside is perfect and didn't need another thing. Have a great time in Disneland!

too cute! Love this image and sentiment.

Oh, Jo, this is so cute!!!

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